Testmaker Pro Crack

  четверг 07 февраля

Description WordPress Quiz maker • • • With our Quiz Maker plugin it’s easy to make a quiz in a short time. Just follow a few simple steps to create online quizzes. What you need to do first is to make questions and then include them into your quiz. You are free to choose the types of the questions.


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Borderlands offline installer free. Those are the following: Radio, which is the single choice with one right answer. Checkbox, which is also the multiple choice but it can include several right answers. Dropdown, which is the same single choice with one right answer, but it occupies less place.

This plugin allows you make unlimited number of quizzes. Each QUIZ can includes unlimited questions.

Questions can be single choice, multiple choice and dropdown. Plugin is very user friendly and easy to use. With Quiz Maker you can also categorize the questions and quizzes. Quiz, Exam and Test maker plugin features Image questions and quiz Our Quiz Maker plugin allows you to add images to your quiz, order unlimited questions. Also you can style your quiz to satisfy your visitors. You can add unlimited number of quizzes in one page and give opportunity to your visitors pass many number of quizzes in one page. This part is very important for universities, they can categorize quizzes and let their students to pass tests or exams.

Quiz user restriction You can restrict your users by enabling and selecting user roles from dashboard and only selected users with given roles can pass your quiz. If you don’t want to restrict your quiz by role, we have created another opportunity for you, just enable “Only for logged in users” option and write some message to non-logged in users, by this way you can enlarge your community. If your quiz is interesting non-registered users will register on your website for passing the quiz and you will have ultra traffic on your website. Please note that by selecting restriction by user roles quiz will automatically select only for logged in users option.

Quiz timer You can set timer for your quiz and if timer ends quiz will be submitted automatically. Quiz results, scores and data form After successful completion of quiz you can track from you dashboard your visitors results, duration, when they start and when they end the quiz.

We have created beautiful form and you can choose fields of the form from dashboard and assign this form to your quiz ( After quiz or Before quiz ) and when user finishes the quiz you can collect data and have beautiful statistics on your dashboard. This data allows you to create your email and sms marketing, which will attract much more users from your specific target. Quiz user report You are free to choose what your visitors should see after completion of the Quiz, Exam or Test. Show progress bar with percentage on the final step Show only percentage of result Show user mistakes on final page Show correct answers of each question (if user selected wrong answer this question will be marked with red marker and when user selected right answer question will be marked with green marker) Quick Quiz We have created also another huge opportunity.

You can create quick quiz from dashboard without visiting to questions page or quiz page. Just click on quick quiz button and you’ll see modal window with opportunity to add questions and save the quiz, but note that it is only for adding new quiz. For editing quiz you should do the steps as usually you edit quizzes or questions.

Quiz social sharing Also users can share your quiz, test or exam in their social networks (facebook, linkedin, google+), which is important for your SMM and increase your website traffic and popularity. Quiz live preview Now you can easily see what you get on your website immediately from your dashboard. Just go to styles tab of your quiz and in the right side you will see how your quiz will look like for your users. You don’t need to save quiz everytime and go to your website to saw what happens, just configure all the things from dashboard and save quiz once. Installation There are two ways to install Quiz maker: the easy way, when you install Quiz maker from your WordPress dashboard, and the not so easy way, when you install it from WordPress.org. • 1.1 The easiest way to enjoy Quiz Maker: • 1.1.1 Login to your WordPress dashboard • 1.1.2 Go to Plugins • 1.1.3 Add New • 1.1.4 Search for Quiz maker • 1.1.5 Click to install • 1.2 The second way: • 1.2.1Download the zip file from • 1.2.2 Go to Plugins • 1.2.3 Add New • 1.2.4 Upload plugin • 1.2.5 Choose file ays quiz_maker.zip • 1.2.6 Click to install • 1.3 In order to install the Quiz maker from WordPress.org you must unzip the archive and copy the quiz-maker folder into your plugins folder ( wp-content plugins).