Obrazec Protokola Uzi Ven Nizhnih Konechnostej

  среда 28 ноября

The lymphatic system requires special attention and timely care. After all, it depends on the state in which it resides, the immunity of the organism and our ability to withstand ailments. Lymph nodes are one of the elements of the human immune system that play the role of biological filters that prevent the spread of microorganisms, toxic substances and cancer cells in the blood. In addition to filtering the flow of lymph, these organs, with their small size and proximity to the blood vessels, are the main sources of lymphocytes and phagocytes — antibodies that neutralize viruses and bacteria and protect us from the spread and development of infection. Almost any, even implicit and slow, pathological process in the body leads to changes in the size and structure of the lymph nodes. Because of the intensification of the inflammatory process, they can expand, become dense, and acquires an irregular shape and uncharacteristic mobility. The normal state of the lymph nodes is that they are not probed at all or slightly noticeable.


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Any deviation from this rule should become a warning signal for the patient and an immediate reason for recording for ultrasound and specialist advice. In the adult body, there are 400 to 1,000 lymph nodes, the accumulation of which is observed in the most vital parts of the body. Depending on the location of the lymph nodes are: • Cervical • Occipital • Ear • Mandibular • Axillary • Inguinal • Popliteal • Abdominal and thoracic. The reason of changing the shape or size of the lymph nodes in any of these zones can be defined by an ultrasound examination of these organs. How to spot a fake south carolina drivers license renewal. This safe technique gives all information about your concerns.