Crusader Kings 2 Modi Portreti

  среда 23 января

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This article is considered for the current version (3.0) of the game. Ambitions are personal goals that will set for themselves in their life. Ambitions are assigned through the screen. The player can pick a new ambition at each time. It is needed to fulfill the current ambition or cancel one the character have had for over 3 years. Below is a list of all ambitions in Crusader Kings II.

All ambitions are only available to who are adults (16+ years-old) if not specified, are not imprisoned, and do not have the Incapable. Specific ambitions have other requirements, listed below: Ambition Requisites Goal Passive Modifiers Success Bonuses Acquire Title The has not been successful at any previous 'Acquire Title' ambition. The character's government is not.

The character's liege is not nomadic. Requires the DLC Earn any from liege With this ambition, you may spend 60 to 'Ask Liege for Title' if other conditions are met: • You must be an adult, not a prisoner, and not incapable. • Liege must not have a regent, have at least 3 demesne size, and have a county which can be given away. Your liege will never accept if they are Greedy, and unlikely to accept if they have at least 9 diplomacy.

Liege is more likely to accept if they are charitable, have a high opinion of you, or are your. If it is not granted, the player can try again after 2 years, or immediately abort this ambition (losing an additional 100 prestige). +200 Amass Wealth The possesses lower than 200. The character is not Charitable. Only without the DLC Acquire 500 +1 Become a Councillor The is not a, but is eligible for such position. The character's liege is independent.

The character's liege is not their spouse. The character is not inaccessible ( In hiding, in or out traveling, etc.). Requires the DLC Become a This ambition enables the diplomatic interaction 'Request Council Position' with liege Become [Councilor] (5 flavours) The character is a and is eligible for given position. Only without the DLC Become a +1 point in the field of (only once per ) Become Exalted among Men The possess lower than 1000. The character is not Humble, Content, nor Shy The character possesses a king tier or above title, or is Ambitious, Envious or Proud. Accumulate 5000 • +1 • +100 • +5 from direct for 100 years Become Heir The 's liege is a parent. Edius 7 keygen.

The character is not the primary. The current primary is the liege's and has any of the following: Incapable, Infirm, Lunatic or Possessed Only for AI if is enabled Become +1 Become King of [Kingdom] The possesses a or -tier title. The character is not an to a. The character is independent or their liege is independent Character is (of containing its capital) • This ambition cannot be cancelled; • The cannot move to another; • The character cannot give away county; • This ambition allows a to fabricate on any (if 's stationed in a 's demesne which is within the ); • and may use without restriction inside their • Halves the gold and piety cost for. +500 Become Paragon of Enlightenment The follow any and possesses lower than 1000. The character has any of following: any learning education traits, Theologian, Celibate, Chaste, Humble, Content, Zealous, Shieldmaiden, Ashari or is on/has finished pilgrimage/Hajjaj The character has none of following: Cynical, any bad priest traits, Hedonist, Lustful, Cannibal or Impaler Accumulate 2000 • +1 • +100 • Earns the: 'The Wise' • +1% • + Clergy Become Paragon of Virtue The does not follow any and posssess lower than 1000.